Remote Learning High School Programming
How It Works
Here’s what you need to know
Manitoba’s Remote Learning High School Programming focuses on connecting students across the province with flexible learning options. The remote learning high school courses complement existing programming within your local high school. Registration is simple and students are supported along the way.

How remote learning works

Talk to your guidance counsellor
Your guidance counsellor will help you decide the right course for you. They will ensure your eligibility and that you will receive the credit you need. They can also answer any questions you may have.

Select your course
Your guidance counsellor will ensure you’re choosing the ideal course (or courses) for your situation. This will include the subject and specific class to get the credit you need.

Choose between synchronous and asynchronous
Depending on your schedule and how you want to learn you can choose between scheduled online courses (synchronous) or work more independently where you engage with the course and your teacher on your own schedule (asynchronous).

Register online
Now you’re ready to register! Go to Find Your Course to find your course. Follow the prompts to register for your course.

Receive your course material and instruction
Once you’ve registered you will receive a welcome package prior to the start of your course that includes login information and everything you need to get started. If you have questions, you can email your teacher.

Complete coursework and assessment
Begin learning! You will follow course programming and complete study and assignments as assigned. Your course may require you to complete and submit assignments, tests and take a final exam. You will be guided every step of the way.

Get your credit
Once you’ve successfully completed coursework and any assessments, you will receive your final grade and credit that is automatically added to your high school transcript — there’s nothing else for you to do.

You’re supported every step of the way
Remote Learning High School Programming is available to all Manitoba high school students. Wherever you live in the province, this program gives you access to high school courses with certified teachers. For students with limited internet access, there are options to connect over the phone.
Remote learning courses are run by experienced Manitoba school division partners. That means you will receive the same high school credit for completing a Remote Learning course that you would if you completed it in the classroom.
Remote learning is intended to supplement classroom learning. The programming was created to give students options to complete courses they may not otherwise have access to in their regular classroom schedule.
High school graduation requirements are the same when taking remote learning courses. A Manitoba high school diploma requires a minimum of 30 credits from a combination of compulsory and optional courses.
Courses are run by two remote learning service providers

InformNet gives students the option to study on their schedule (asynchronous) or in scheduled online courses (synchronous). These courses will include daily instruction, assignments and evaluations from Manitoba certified teachers. InformNet offers a limited number of French Immersion courses. For more information and to register, please visit InformNet.

Teacher Mediated Option
The Teacher Mediated Option courses provide students with a scheduled remote learning option (synchronous). While learning from a distance, students will attend a class session each week, at the same time as their instructor and classmates. Scheduled live classes, and tutorial sessions with Manitoba certified teachers, take place on a virtual platform, either online or by phone for those without access to a robust internet connection. For more information and to register, please visit the Teacher Mediated Option website.
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